Chemical peels have emerged as an exciting supplement to a total skin care program. While chemical peels have been performed by dermatologic surgeons for the last 50 years, their effectiveness has become more widely known. Light peels to correct mild defects, medium depth peels to correct moderate defects and deep peels to correct severe defects can be used over the entire face and neck area uniformly, or in combining light, medium depth and deep peels on the same face to correct different skin problems. Today, new peeling techniques are able to eliminate wrinkles and dark spots on the face in one procedure. This office is innovative in presenting these newest peeling techniques from the International Peeling Society.
- Before Peels
- After Peels
From light peels to correct mild defects to deep peels to correct severe defects, they can be used over the entire face and neck area uniformly or to correct different skin problems. Today, with skin rejuvenation and aging process reversal paramount in the minds of many, chemical peeling can offer beautiful results.
Most chemical peels today are supplemented by the peeling effects of creams, such as Retinoic acid (Retin-A) on a daily basis, which give a constant turnover of the top layers of the skin further improving its integrity. Peels can also be used to eradicate superficial sun damage and prevent the reoccurrence of precancers of the skin.
- Before
- After
What chemical peels can do:
- Correct sun damage (Actinic Degeneration)
- Flatten mild scarring
- Remove rhytids (wrinkles)
- Improve irregular hyperpigmentation
The mild and moderate chemical peels are called freshening peels because they improve the quality of the skin without altering its normal architecture. The skin’s ability to tan and return to the same color after peeling or sunlight exposure is unchanged. Combination Chemical peeling by tailoring the peel to the patient’s needs can completely eliminate wrinkles and pigmentation in one treatment. Peels can remodel and smooth acne scarring as well as eliminating all acne pits. Pre cancers that are resistant to traditional treatments also respond to peeling. See the dramatic before and after images!
- Before Peeling
- After Peeling